Pandemic Fitness - Are you in??

What are you doing to maintain your dog’s fitness during the Pandemic?

I think that most of us tend to overestimate our dog’s fitness level, because we mistakenly believe that training for a chosen sport or job is enough to build the levels of fitness that help to prevent injuries.  I’m concerned that because the pandemic has necessitated an extended period of time without training classes or lessons, dogs will be more likely to sustain an injury when they do return to training if their fitness needs are ignored. So now there are more reasons than ever to keep up with those fitness exercises at home!

In my practice, I regularly discuss and create home exercise plans for client’s dogs and believe it is so important to commit to spending 15-20 minutes, 3-4 days per week on fitness activities.  I think the key to making time to do these exercises is to incorporate them into any training you may be doing that day, so they become just another set of behaviors or tricks that you ask of your dog.  

If you’re not currently following an exercise program with your dog and would like to begin one, there are a few things to consider before you jump in:

  • Make sure that your dog has been cleared by your veterinarian to begin a fitness program.  If you currently see a rehab veterinarian, you may want to speak to them about a custom program for your dog which would consider the dog’s structure, health, age, previous injuries and the particular sports they participate in.

  • The program should present a balanced approach to fitness, covering core, rear limb and forelimb strengthening as well as being able to address a dog’s individual needs.

If you want to get your dog started right away, there are some good online options to consider:

I HIGHLY recommend signing up for Dr. Zink’s online fitness program at Avidog-Zink  It is well worth the investment and there are also multiple sports related webinars included in the membership.

If you are a member of Daisy’s Agility Challenge there are canine fitness challenges available (make sure to monitor your dog during these exercises and consider running them by your veterinarian) 

There are also fitness classes on the Fenzi Academy - if you are going to do this I highly recommend a working spot to make sure your dog is performing the exercises correctly.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments!

Happy Pandemic/Quarantine Fitness Training!

Dr. Woodside

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